Western Orthopaedics is opening a new office on the HCA HealthONE Rose campus starting March 31, 2025

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Fracture Care & Bone Health


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Fracture Care

What is trauma and fracture care? 

Trauma and fracture care at Western Orthopaedics, P.C., includes treating bone fractures and other traumatic injuries to alleviate pain and help your injury heal properly.

You might experience a traumatic injury from:  

  • A forceful fall
  • Physical assault
  • An automobile accident
  • A sports injury
  • Older age
  • Osteoporosis

Seeing an orthopaedic surgeon at the first sign of a traumatic injury can greatly improve your chance of making a quick, effective recovery.

What are the symptoms of trauma and fractures? 

Common signs and symptoms of a fracture or other traumatic injury include:

  • Intense pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • A deformity
  • Bone puncturing through skin


At the first sign of an injury, ice the affected area and see an orthopaedic specialist right away. The severity of a fracture or other traumatic injury determines which treatment is right for you. 

How are fractured diagnosed?

When you arrive at Western Orthopaedics, P.C., for an appointment, your doctor reviews your medical history, accident history, and symptoms. They examine the injured area and use imaging tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, or bone scans, to detect the type and severity of an injury and determine the best course of action.


What is the treatment for fractures? 

Your personalized trauma and fracture care treatment might include:


Your doctor offers you medication to alleviate pain associated with a fracture or other traumatic injury.


Casting or bracing

You may receive a fiberglass or plaster cast to immobilize bone while a fracture heals. A functional cast or brace allows limited movement in nearby joints.



Your orthopaedic surgeon uses traction to properly align bones using steady, gentle pulling action.


External fixation

Your surgeon places metal screws or pins in the bone through the outside of your skin, to hold bones in place while an injury heals.


Open reduction and internal fixation

Open reduction and internal fixation is a surgical procedure in which your orthopaedic specialist uses rods, screws, or metal plates to repair bone.


How long will my recovery take?

Recovery after a fracture may take several weeks or months to heal from. Your orthopaedic surgeon lets you know what to expect. After the bone heals, physical therapy helps you regain strength, flexibility, and optimal musculoskeletal function.

Don’t live with pain associated with a traumatic injury or fracture. Seek medical treatment right away. Call the specialists at Western Orthopaedics, P.C., today, or use the online appointment request feature.


What is bone health and osteoporosis?

Bone health is how strong and dense your bones are. Having healthy bones reduces your risk of developing osteoporosis, a chronic disease in which bones are porous and weak, increasing your risk of fractures.


What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

You might not experience symptoms if you have osteoporosis, as there are no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. In more advanced stages of osteoporosis, you might notice bone fractures, back pain, loss of height, or stooped posture.


What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?

Anybody can develop osteoporosis, but some factors increase your risk of developing it. Examples include:

  • Being small or thin
  • Older age
  • Being a woman
  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • Low bone density
  • Having Asian or European descent
  • Low calcium intake
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Eating disorders
  • A sedentary lifestyle

Excessive alcohol and tobacco use can also contribute to osteoporosis. Complications associated with the disease include fractures and other types of broken bones.


Can I prevent osteoporosis?

You can’t always avoid osteoporosis, but there are several things you can do to lower your risk of developing it. Maintain a healthy weight, ingest plenty of calcium, vitamin D, and protein from food or dietary supplements, and get regular exercise. Have your primary care doctor monitor hormone levels to keep them balanced.


How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

To diagnose osteoporosis, your orthopaedic specialist offers a bone density test using low levels of X-rays. You lie down on a comfortable table while a scanner passes over you. The procedure is fast and painless.


What treatments improve bone health and osteoporosis?

Your personalized bone health and osteoporosis treatment plan is based on the severity of your condition. Your orthopaedic specialist might recommend:

  • Medications
  • Hormone therapy
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Not smoking
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Taking vitamin or mineral supplements
  • Fracture care

If you have a bone fracture associated with osteoporosis, your orthopaedic surgeon can treat it using a cast, brace, traction, external fixation, or surgery.

Don’t let poor bone health, osteoporosis, or fractures diminish your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with Western Orthopaedics, P.C., over the phone or online to get treated today.