Blog Archive
You’ve already been through a hip ordeal when you underwent labral reconstruction, so you’re anxious to preserve your great results, which means doing everything possible to avoid injuring the joint again. At Western Orthopaedics, our hip preservation expert, Dr. Brian White, certainly shares this same goal with you, which is...
Saying something like — “Low back pain is the leading cause of disability around the world” — often makes more sense when you attach some numbers to it. In 2020, reports found that 619 million people globally were affected by low back pain, and researchers warn that this number is...
The initial decision to undergo surgery wasn’t one that you made lightly, but you figured that hip arthroscopy was your best path forward to moving again without difficulty. While hip arthroscopies enjoy an enviable success rate, which explains why the number of procedures has jumped by 600% in the last...
Surgery wasn’t exactly at the top of the list of things you wanted to do this year, but it’s the best way to get you up and moving without pain again. It may be of some comfort to know that you won’t be alone. Each year in the United States...
You want to begin the new year with your hip arthroscopy already in the rear view mirror, but you’re hoping that your recovery won’t prevent you from enjoying the holidays. Given that hip arthroscopies have increased by a whopping 600% in the last 15 years in the United States, we...
Americans are no strangers to knee pain — the problem affects one-quarter of adults in the United States and drives about 4 million visits to primary care providers each year. If you’d rather move away from these statistics, our team of joint health and sports medicine experts at Western Orthopaedics...
In an ideal world, our joints go the distance, carrying us comfortably through life. Unfortunately, wear and tear over the years can catch up with your joints in the form of osteoarthritis (OA), which affects more than 32.5 million American adults. And this number is only going to rise in...
When a disease is associated with wear and tear, it’s a good bet that it’s very common, especially among older demographics. This is certainly the case with osteoarthritis (OA), which affects 528 million people around the world. While knees account for a large chunk of the OA burden, hips aren’t...
The average human body contains between 206 and 213 bones that range from tiny phalanges in your toes to large bones like your pelvic bone or femur (thigh bone). No matter their size, you want your bones to be strong so that they can hold your body together and carry...
From the moment you wake up and get out of bed, your hips are on the move. Even when you’re not moving and you’re simply sitting at your desk, these major joints are still in action. The point is that you’ve come to rely on stable hips to get you...
Your sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body, and this fact is made perfectly clear when it’s being irritated. From localized lower back pain to symptoms that shoot down into your buttock and leg, sciatica is one condition you want to get to the other side of, as...
There are certain joints in your body that, when not working correctly, can have a huge impact on your life — and your hips are definitely on the list. If you’ve got a hip that’s giving you trouble — it’s painful or it isn’t functioning correctly, or both — you...
You seem to be waking most mornings with hip pain and stiffness, and the problem is showing no signs of going away. In fact, it’s going in the opposite direction and getting worse. While it’s impossible to diagnose your hip pain from afar, Dr. Brian White, who is the experienced...
The elbows often get lost between shoulder and wrist issues, but for those who are dealing with a painful elbow, they quickly realize just how important these major joints are. If there’s something wrong in your elbow and you’re trying to narrow down the possibilities, you’re in the right place....
You may take your body for granted, assuming that when you need to call on it, your body will step up and do whatever’s needed. But if a major joint like your hip feels unstable or like it might give out, your movements are a lot less sure and confident....
Conversations with your friends used to center around the great things you could do, but, as you get older, the subject transitions more toward what you can’t do, thanks to worn down joints. And the two joints that are often the first to feel the effects of wear and tear...
You’ve been gimping thanks to a hip labral tear that’s causing no small amount of discomfort, and you want to know what the road looks like moving forward. More specifically, is this one of those joint issues that benefits from rest, patience, and a good amount of physical therapy (PT)?...
A joint injury is never good news, but damage to your knee can be especially challenging given how much you rely on these large joints to propel you through the world. Due to their sizable workload, it’s little wonder that knee issues are fairly common. Whether you’re an athlete or...
You miss those days when stairs were no problem and you ran up and down them without thinking twice. Now, you do everything you can to avoid steps because you know you’re going to encounter hip pain. If you want to get back to a world where steps aren’t giant...
Each year in the United States, rotator cuff tears send 2 million people to seek medical help, which includes members of our orthopaedic team at Western Orthopaedics. As experts in shoulder injuries, we not only understand the many roads that can lead to pain and dysfunction in this major joint,...
You find yourself leaning over the grocery cart when you’re shopping at the store to relieve lower back pain. Or you’re experiencing shooting pain down your leg that shortens the distances you’re able to walk comfortably. If these scenarios sound familiar, we recommend that you put lumbar spinal stenosis on...
You’re looking forward to walking again with a hip that doesn’t object to every step. The key to this goal is the hip arthroscopy procedure you’ve scheduled with Dr. Brian White, who is our highly skilled hip preservation specialist here at Western Orthopaedics. While you’re in great hands when you’re...
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is certainly a mouthful and, unfortunately, it’s a term you now need to familiarize yourself with, having received a diagnosis for this often painful hip condition. FAI isn’t common — it affects only 54.4 people out every 100,000 — but it’s a condition that often gets worse...
Each year in the United States, more than 450,000 hip replacement surgeries are performed, and your goal is to NOT be a part of this group. Instead, you’re opting to preserve your hip with labral reconstruction surgery. The good news is that you're in excellent hands. Dr. Brian White is...
Tennis elbow is a nagging tendon injury that affects between 1% and 3% of the adult population and, yes, tennis players are more vulnerable. In fact, 50% of tennis players develop symptoms of tennis elbow at some point. Still, this condition certainly isn’t confined to the courts and can develop...
You’ve been struggling with a painful hip for some time and managing the problem through conservative efforts — rest, physical therapy, and medications, mostly. While effective at first, these efforts are no longer doing the trick, and you’re left dealing with more pain and, perhaps worse, more difficulty getting around....
Your hands and wrists are in constant motion throughout the day, and there’s very little that doesn’t somehow involve these appendages. So, when you develop an issue, you’re probably aware of it, but you have a lot to do and are hesitant to seek help. When it comes to many...
Your hip is giving you problems — maybe it hurts after a long walk or you’re dealing with stiffness in the morning. Either way, you’re struggling to move around freely, and it feels like the problem is only getting worse with more symptoms showing up as time goes on. That feeling...
Landing badly after a jump, stepping awkwardly on a curb, negotiating uneven terrain — these are all simple, everyday occurrences in which millions of Americans come out the other side with an ankle sprain. Each year in the United States, two million people sprain an ankle, which can present a...
You used to jump out of bed in the morning and land on knees that were ready to carry you through your day without complaint. These days, there's less jumping and more aching in these large joints, and you want to figure out why. Well, a great place to start...
Hip fractures certainly take center stage when it comes to hip health as you get older — 300,000 people aged 65 and up are hospitalized with hip fractures each year in the United States. But these fractures are only part of the overall hip health picture as we age. Here...
Each year in the United States, 300,000 people (mainly older adults) require hospitalization for hip fractures. And, this number is expected to rise to about half a million annually by 2040, thanks to an aging population. Treating these hip fractures right from the start is paramount because life after a...
The stats surrounding fall and injuries from falls among the older population in the United States are alarming. Each year, three million older adults head to the ER because of a fall, and 800,000 people are hospitalized due to fall injuries, with hip fractures leading the charge. No matter what...
There can come a time when a major joint becomes more of a liability than an asset, making replacement a very good option. So effective is this approach that 790,000 knee replacement procedures are performed each year in the United States and 450,000 hip replacements. Our team of orthopaedic surgeons...
Carpal tunnel syndrome can seem like such a minor issue, at first. Your wrist hurts from time to time, or you’re feeling some numbness and tingling in your hand. All too soon, however, the nerve entrapment problem is becoming more painful and the symptoms are round the clock, even interfering...
There are dozens of ways you can develop lower back pain, but one of the more distinctive, and uncomfortable, is sciatica. Since it involves the largest nerve in your body — your sciatic nerve — it makes sense that the side effects of this condition are less than subtle. Whether or...
Your hips are not only a couple of the larger joints in your body, they’re among the hardest working. Thankfully, they’ve got good support teams to help them carry you through the day, which include connective tissue like tendons, muscles, and ligaments. When these tissues function well, it’s smooth sailing....
It’s no exaggeration to say that every step you take involves your Achilles tendon, which is the largest tendon in your body. This connective tissue connects your calf muscle to your heel to help propel you through the world. Given its importance in your ability to move around, you want...
For what seems like an eternity, you’ve been hobbling around on a painful hip, and you’re tired of dealing with discomfort every time you take to your feet. Well, you’ve come to the right place. At Western Orthopaedics, the team includes one of the leading hip experts in the orthopedic field — Dr....
You used to jump out of bed to take on the day, but achy hips are making getting out of bed more difficult, never mind moving around once you’re on your feet. Our in-house hip specialist here at Western Orthopaedics, Dr. Brian White, and the rest of our team, certainly understand how...
It started out as a nagging stiffness. Now, you’ve traveled through pain and your shoulder is completely locked up. It’s likely you have frozen shoulder, a condition that affects up to 5% of people at some point in their lives — with women outpacing men by four to one. While you may...
Our world has moved to a more disposable one in which we use and toss with alarming frequency, from our toothbrushes to our contact lenses. While these other items are convenient, we don’t feel that your joints should be included in this shift. The in-house hip specialist here at Western...
You used to jump at the chance to go for a walk with a friend and play a game with your kids, but arthritis has made moving around more difficult — and painful. If you’re tired of living in a world that’s shrinking because of arthritis, we hear you loud...
It’s hard to think of an athletic pursuit that doesn’t somehow involve your hips. From running and hiking to biking and rowing, hips are important pieces of the athlete puzzle. If you value your active lifestyle, we want to make the case for protecting your hips as much as possible....
Each of your feet contains 26 bones — that's 52 bones between the two appendages that account for about one-quarter of the bones in your entire body (206 is the total count). Not only are the bones in your feet numerous, they’re also small and delicate, leaving them more vulnerable...
It started out as an infrequent, yet unwelcome, visitor, but now the dull ache in your hip has become a near-constant companion. Because your hips are major joints that are responsible for your mobility, the problem isn’t small, and you want answers. As a first step, our hip expert at Western Orthopaedics...
Whether you’re recovering from an injury or you’re dealing with a chronic or lifelong musculoskeletal issue, physical therapy can play an incredibly valuable role. As orthopaedic specialists, the team here at Western Orthopaedics views physical therapy (PT) as an integral component of our ability to improve your quality of life in the face of...
You get together with friends on the pickleball court or you enjoy adventures in the mountains on foot, on skis, or on a bike. Whatever your activity, moving is important to you, and the last thing you want is to be sidelined by injury. This is especially true when it...
About one in every 1,000 babies is born with hip dysplasia, a condition in which the ball and socket don’t fit together properly. It’s not uncommon that hip dysplasia doesn’t pose any problems until adulthood, when the structural issue begins to wear down the joint prematurely. Here at Western Orthopaedics, we want...
You’ve been hobbled by a bad hip for far too long, so you’re considering (or already scheduled) a hip arthroscopy. Now you want to know what to expect after the procedure. The first thing we want to underscore is that you’re in good hands with Dr. Brian White, who's the resident hip specialist among...
Osteoarthritis typically starts out as some minor pain after you’ve put a joint through its paces. So, you ignore the discomfort and figure it’s just temporary. Before you know it, that ache in your joint has become a constant companion, and you need to place some limits on your life....
For such a seemingly small area, it’s amazing to realize just how much you rely on pain-free function of your wrists. Whether you work at a computer, you want to spoon soup into your mouth, or you need to carry a bag of groceries, healthy wrists play no small role...
You’re a little more groggy these days thanks to hip pain that’s keeping you from getting the sleep you need. Hip pain at night isn’t uncommon and can stem from several different issues. To help you take the first steps toward figuring out what’s causing your nighttime hip pain, the...
Perhaps you hit the slopes in the winter and the trails in the summer. Or, maybe you’re a daily runner or biker. Whatever your activity, you enjoy moving through life, and we can assure you that your overall health is the better for it. That said, active people are more...
In an ideal world, the joints in your body go the distance, providing you with pain-free mobility over the course of your life. Unfortunately, life often has other plans, and joints can wear down, becoming more of a liability than an asset, which is certainly true of your knees. Each...
As you get older, there are many areas of your health that may need a little extra oversight, which is certainly true of hip fracture prevention. Each year in the United states, 300,000 people over the age of 65 are hospitalized with hip fractures. For many, life isn’t the same...
You pride yourself on leading an active lifestyle, and you’re used to the occasional aches and pains that come with the territory. Recently, however, you’ve developed ongoing groin pain and you want to get to the bottom of the problem. Groin injuries aren’t uncommon among athletes — they account for about...
With an estimated 92 million people in the United States reporting doctor-diagnosed arthritis or arthritis-like symptoms, it’s fair to say that the collective health of joints in our country is fairly poor. Whether you’re already experiencing joint pain and/or inflammation or you’d like to prevent the problem from developing, a few diet...
To call your hips “important” joints is a fairly large understatement, which you’ve likely realized now that you’re hobbled by hip pain. If you’re thinking you might just grit your teeth and soldier through the pain, you may want to rethink this approach. Early intervention of many hip problems is...
Whether you have a torn tendon or osteoarthritis in your knees, your goal is to get back to moving without pain and limitations as quickly as possible. Our team here at Western Orthopaedics shares this goal, and we offer numerous services to that end. One area that shows great promise is our use of regenerative...
Your hip is damaged and you’re dealing with pain and mobility issues. Does the road to walking freely again only come after a hip replacement? Not necessarily. One of the members of Western Orthopaedics’ highly skilled team — Dr. Brian White — has made hip preservation a primary goal. Yes, there are times when replacement is...
Your hips are ball-and-socket joints that rely on the different pieces fitting perfectly together. When the bones come together less than perfectly, it leads to hip impingement, which can damage the soft tissues inside the joint. If you’ve been diagnosed with a hip problem like hip impingement, the good news...
Running is one of the most effective ways to stay fit and healthy, which explains why 50 million people in the United States called themselves runners in 2020. As sports medicine specialists, the team here at Western Orthopaedics endorses running as a way to stay one step ahead of your health, but with a note of...
Swing your arms around for a moment, raise them up high, reach around and scratch your back — all of these movements are powered by your shoulders. It would be hard to overstate the importance of healthy shoulders, so you want to keep them functioning at their very best. The musculoskeletal experts here...
Sitting, standing, walking, bending over — these are just some of the more common movements that you make throughout the day that rely on healthy, functioning hips. To keep these large, ball-and-socket joints working well, strengthening and stretching them is paramount. To get you started, Western Orthopaedics’ resident hip expert, Dr....
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, which is an umbrella term for diseases that cause joint pain and inflammation. While all forms of arthritis are uncomfortable, to say the least, gout can be one of the more painful during a flare-up, and you want to do everything in...
Hip osteoarthritis (OA) may affect 25% of the population at some point in their lives, usually later in life. More than 32.5 million adults in the United States have OA, and this number is expected to rise as our population ages. That said, there are other factors that place you...
A hip is causing you trouble in terms of mobility and comfort, and surgery is your best option for moving forward. Undergoing surgery of any kind is a big step, and you want to make sure you get the most out of the effort. While our hip specialist, Dr. Brian White,...
When the country went into lockdown after lockdown due to the global pandemic, health care providers devoted themselves to ensuring that people were still able to access the care they needed through telemedicine. The situation was no different here at Western Orthopaedics, and our team stepped up to ensure that our patients...
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” — it’s an odd expression, to be sure, but one that expertly conveys the idea that, all too often, the good can be sacrificed along with the bad. We feel this is an apt quote to describe why we favor hip...
If you’re struggling with pain and inflammation in some of your joints, you’re not alone. About 1 in 4 people have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, and The Arthritis Foundation reports that more than 92 million people have arthritis-like symptoms or doctor-diagnosed arthritis. More alarming still is that experts expect these already-high numbers...
Sprained ankles are an everyday occurrence in the United States — in fact, they affect 23,000 people per day. While sprains can range from minor to quite severe, your first steps in all cases are important and should include the RICE protocol. As orthopaedists and sports medicine specialists, the team...
The use of one of your hips is compromised thanks to a labral tear, and you want to restore full function to this important joint. Thanks to advances in the use of hip arthroscopy, your options for a minimally invasive solution are much better and not only include repair of...
Under normal circumstances, your hips are formed by a ball that fits neatly inside a socket and, together, they provide you with range of motion and support. When you have hip dysplasia, this ball-and-socket connection isn’t so neat, which can cause the joint to wear down more quickly, leaving you...
While some view the winter season as a hassle, skiers and snowboarders rejoice at the opportunity to get out on the mountain and make a few turns. As with any athletic pursuit, the risk for injury is heightened, which is why the team of sports medicine specialists here at Western...
If you consider the workload your hips take on, day in and day out, it’s little wonder that problems can crop up, especially if you lead an active lifestyle. To help you narrow down the possibilities, we want to take a closer look at labral tears in your hip —...
Consider that a full quarter of the adult population in the United States has some form of doctor-diagnosed arthritis, and you realize just how widespread a problem joint pain is in our country. While there are many types of arthritis, most who have the condition all want the same thing...
Of the many changes that came on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home is among the biggest. Millions of people around the world have had to carve out spaces in their homes to work, often pressing dining rooms or other areas into service. As a result, these...
There’s nothing quite like hip pain to interfere with your ability to get around in the world, never mind enjoy more active pursuits. While the old, “Grin and bear it,” saw may earn you some credit among those who prefer to soldier through pain, treating hip pain is often the...
While you may not be familiar with the ganglion cysts, they’re the most common type of mass that forms in the body’s soft tissues. Thankfully, these strange lumps are rarely problematic. While ganglion cysts generally pose no real threat, the team of experts here at Western Orthopaedics feels it’s worthwhile...
You’re hobbled by foot pain, and you suspect that something is wrong, but you’re not sure whether it’s a sprain or a fracture. The fact is that these two developments are quite different, but they share many of the same symptoms, which makes telling the difference between a foot sprain...
Whether your neck pain comes and goes or it’s a constant companion, dealing with chronic neck pain can be frustrating. When this relatively small area of your body runs into problems, the effects are surprisingly widespread, as the discomfort and stiffness can make everything from working to driving a car...
If you’re one of the more than 92 million people in the United States who have arthritis or arthritis symptoms, you’re likely tired of your life being limited by joint pain and inflammation. These same symptoms may also present a hurdle to one of the best remedies for arthritis —...
While spondylosis may sound like a single condition, in reality it’s a term that describes spine degeneration and pain, which could stem from arthritis or degenerative disc disease. At Western Orthopaedics, our team of orthopaedic experts specializes in spinal health and we understand the many degenerative conditions that can lead...
Any injury to your knee is never good news, which very much includes meniscus tears. Each year in the United States, there are more than 500,000 meniscus tears. While surgery is one of the more effective treatment options, it may not be your only solution for restoring function to your...
Few things can hijack your life like chronic foot pain, which makes finding relief a top priority. The most important step you can take is to first identify the problem so you can receive the treatment you need to move without pain. At Western Orthopaedics, our team of specialists excels...
Your joints are designed to carry you through life, but there can come a time when one presents more of a liability than an asset. In fact, 1 million joint replacement surgeries are performed each year in the United States and this number is expected to rise to a whopping...
While arthroscopy dates back to the 19th century, it wasn’t until the 1970s that this minimally invasive surgical technique became a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we approach orthopaedic surgery. Today, we routinely turn to arthroscopy to treat a wide range of orthopaedic issues, including those in your hip. At Western...
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, but they all boil down to one thing — joint pain and inflammation. In this regard, gout is no different, but it’s unique in that it can cause stabbing pain in your feet and ankles during a flare-up. The team of...
You’ve developed pain on one of your hips, and even the slightest movements cause shooting sensations that make you rethink moving again. If this sounds familiar, the problem may lie in a nerve entrapment, or pinched nerve, in your hip. When it comes to problems of the hips, the team...
There are many roads to hip pain, but they all produce the same result — you’re limited in your ability to move freely. While there are many ways in which we can resolve hip pain, the role that physical therapy can play is significant. In fact, we’d go so far...
Your hips are ball-and-socket joints, so in order for them to function optimally, the ball needs to fit neatly into, and be fully supported by, the socket. If the socket didn’t develop properly or it’s too shallow because of wear and tear — you can experience problems (in both childhood...
Like most things in life, it’s not until you lose the use of your hand that you realize how much you rely on it throughout the day. Thankfully, hand surgery is designed to relieve a painful problem and restore use to your hand, but recovery can have its challenges as...
Arthritis can strike most any joint in your body, but your more active joints are especially vulnerable, which certainly describes your hips. The prevalence of hip arthritis isn’t small — hip osteoarthritis alone is found in more than one-quarter of people 45 years or older in the United States. In...
If you sit around a locker room for any length of time, you’ll invariably hear a war story or two about bad knees. To avoid having a tale of your own, knee arthroscopy can help you remain active and pain free, as it’s both a diagnostic and treatment tool. The...
Surgery of any kind is an undertaking, but it can also be the most effective solution for many orthopaedic problems, including those that develop in your all-important hands. At Western Orthopaedics, our team of highly qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeons, including hand surgery specialist Dr. Thomas Mordick II, understands when...
Problems that plague your large hip joints can cast a wide net over your ability to function normally, especially when it comes to a hip impingement. Our goal is to resolve the impingement, also called a femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), so you can move freely again. At Western Orthopaedics, Dr. Brian...
There’s nothing an athlete dreads more than a sidelining injury that forces them into an unwelcome timeout. Unfortunately, most athletic pursuits place added stresses on your body, which means you have to take extra care to avoid injury, or re-injury after you’ve been hurt. At Western Orthopaedics, many members of...
Your hips are among the hardest-working joints in your body, which makes sense given their role in helping you move through the world. It follows that when hip pain strikes, the effects can limit your life in some very significant ways, making even a trip to the bathroom a painful...
Sciatica is a fairly common condition with 10-40% of people developing it in their lifetimes. Which end of the scale you fall toward depends very much on your risk factors. At Western Orthopaedics, our team of highly trained musculoskeletal experts understands the many conditions that can affect your spine and...
Pain in any of your major articulating joints can be difficult to cope with, but hip pain is often especially cumbersome given the role these joints play in your ability to make your way in the world. To restore pain-free mobility (and your quality of life), a minimally invasive surgical...
Few things can hijack your life like knee pain, making even a simple walk around the house a teeth-gritting proposition. If you’re among the one-quarter of adults in the United States who struggle with knee pain, there are some dos and don’ts that will help keep you on your feet...
While you may think there’s little connection between your teeth and gums and your hip joint, there are times when these two areas of your health meet. More specifically, if you’re planning to undergo hip replacement surgery, we recommend that you get cleared by your dentist beforehand to lower your...
Your shoulders are inherently unstable ball-and-socket joints, a feature that allows your arms to enjoy wide ranges of motion. Due to this instability, however, these joints are also more susceptible to damage and injury. As orthopaedic experts, our team here at Western Orthopaedics understands the many shoulder conditions that can...
You’ve likely been hobbled by hip pain for some time, which is why you’ve decided to take the important step of having us repair or reconstruct your joint. With that decision made, you look forward to a speedy recovery and moving again without pain, which is where physical therapy can...
When it comes to your mobility, healthy hips are paramount. So, if your hips become painful, you want to do all that you can to manage your pain and preserve your mobility. Our goals are the same here at Western Orthopaedics, which is why our team pulled together a list...
Each year in the United States, 300,000 adults over the age of 65 end up in the hospital with hip fractures, and this number is expected to rise thanks to an aging population. To retain your mobility and prevent more problems down the road, surgery is often the best treatment...
The prevalence of sprained ankles in the United States is eye-opening — with over 23,000 each day. And these injuries occur in all age groups and among all activity levels, from the person walking up a flight of stairs to the athlete running down the field. At Western Orthopaedics, our...
Think about all that your hips provide when it comes to mobility, support, and range of motion. When one of these major joints is in trouble, it can affect your life in countless ways, starting with the simple ability to walk. At Western Orthopaedics, Dr. Brian White is the leading...
Your hips are among the hardest working joints in your body, so when something goes wrong, the effects are widespread. If you’re hobbled by hip pain, there are any number of problems that can lead to this discomfort, but a labral tear typically comes with its own telltale symptoms. At...
If you have a hip problem and are faced with the possibility of surgery, you may want to consider a minimally invasive option like arthroscopy. With an arthroscopy, you can expect smaller incisions and speedier recovery. At Western Orthopaedics, board-certified orthopedic hip surgeon Brian White, MD, offers expert and compassionate...
Do you believe your joint pain is caused by arthritis? With over 100 different types of arthritis identified, knowing the type you have could be the key to relieving your pain and inflammation. A qualified specialist can correctly diagnose your arthritis type and properly manage your symptoms with a targeted...
If you know any diehard skiers, or you count yourself among this group, you understand just how special this wintertime activity is. Getting outside year-round is one of the most amazing benefits of living in and around the Rocky Mountains, and we encourage you to take advantage of this benefit....
Dr. Parks's new text book is out and on! In 2015, Dr. Parks was asked by McGraw-Hill and the American College of Physicians to prepare a textbook covering the topic of Orthopedics. Dr. Parks has lectured nationally and internationally on the treatment of knee, shoulder and other orthopedic...
The Shoulder Service at Western Orthopaedics, lead by Dr. Hatzidakis and Dr. Sears, are collaborating with national leaders on two multi center clinical research trials. These investigations include collaborating with Case Western University in Cleveland on the evaluation of the importance of Vitamin D level and osteoporosis in patients undergoing...
Dr. Sears published an ariticle in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. "An anthropometric analysis to derive formulae for calculating the dimensions of anatomically shaped humeral heads". Congratulations Dr. Sears.
Monday, July 9, 2018 Come visit us in Arvada at: Arvada Clinic - Two Ponds9950 W. 80th Avenue #24Arvada, CO 80003 Call us for an appointment: 303-321-1333
Melissa is one of Dr. White's patients who underwent Labral Reconstruction. Her story and recovery from her surgery was recently featured in Colorado Runner magazine. Click here to view her story
Dr. Baran publishes new research in the Journal of Orthopedic Trauma Functional and Radiographic Outcomes After Allograft Anatomic Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction. Baran S, Belisle JG, Granger EK, Tashjian RZ.J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Apr;32(4):204-210. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001079.PMID:
Dr. Baran publishes an article in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Factors influencing direct clinical costs of outpatient arthroscopic rotator cuff repair surgery. Tashjian RZ, Belisle J, Baran S, Granger EK, Nelson RE, Burks RT, Greis PE.J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Feb;27(2):237-241. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.07.011. Epub 2017 Sep...
Dr. Baran publishes new research in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Factors Affecting Healing, Range of Motion, Strength, and Patient-Reported Outcomes After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Wylie JD, Baran S, Granger EK, Tashjian RZ. Orthop J Sports Med. 2018 Jan 16;6(1):2325967117750104. doi: 10.1177/2325967117750104. eCollection 2018...
Major League Rugby. Major League Raptors. Major League Physicians! Dr. Bazaz and Dr. Parks are now the team physicians for the Glendale Raptors. Congrats!
Dr. Sears presented his paper entitled "Outcomes Following Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Extraarticular or simple Articular Humerus Fractures in Patients over 75 Years of Age" at the AAOS 2018 Annual Meeting, March 6-10 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Authored by Ben Sears, M.D. and Armodios Hatzidakis, M.D.
February 11 - 15, 2018 For the 5th consecutive year Dr. Sears was chosen to be a faculty speaker for the 14th annual Snowmass Upper Extremity Tutorial.
Dr. White was invited again to be faculty at the Vail Hip Symposium on January 11-13, 2018. It was an honor to again be a part of such a powerful International conference. There he presented on “Allograft Labral Reconstruction of the Hip” and “How to Safely Place Anchors around the...