Orthopedic Surgeons & Physical Therapists located in Denver, CO
located in Denver, CO
About Dr. White
Brian J. White, MD, is a board-certified orthopaedic hip surgeon who focuses solely on the diagnosis and treatment of hip conditions at Western Orthopaedics, P.C., in Denver, Colorado.
My path towards Orthopaedics began as a patient. An injury caused me to miss multiple seasons of varsity sports, but a surgery returned me to my senior year of athletics. This solidified my desire to pursue medicine so I could have the ability and skill to do this for others. This personal experience has been my driving motivation within my training and allows me greater understanding and compassion towards my patients. Through my training at the following institutions, I have established a solid core foundation that has allowed me to specialize in the surgical care of the hip joint.
- Washington and Lee University
- Georgetown University School of Medicine
- NYU/Hospital for Joint Diseases – Orthopaedic Surgical Residency
- Steadman/Philippon Research Institute – Fellowship in Sports Medicine
My sole focus at Western Orthopaedics is the hip joint. By specializing on only one joint, this allows for greater precision with surgery and, in turn, superior outcomes. Care is provided for patients beginning in their adolescence ranging to the advanced stages of life. The main surgical procedures that I perform are hip arthroscopy and total hip replacements. Arthroscopic treatment of hip disorders has evolved dramatically and this less invasive procedure allows me to reshape the ball and the cup to treat femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Labral tears can be treated with either advanced repair techniques or with labral reconstruction where a new labrum is made from a graft. Labral reconstruction is an advanced procedure that I apply in situations where a previous hip arthroscopy has failed or the labrum simply is too damaged to allow for a successful repair. It provides a dramatic improvement in pain and function as the labral reconstruction restores the normal biomechanics of the native labrum but should never be able to perceive pain. My goal with all patients is to preserve their hip joint. In some situations, the level of arthritis, or erosion of the cartilage of the joint, makes this impossible. In these patients, a total hip replacement is an excellent option for eliminating pain and restoring function.
Dr. Brian White discusses restoration options. Watch the video here.
As I perform both arthroscopic and replacement surgeries for the hip, I do not have a particular bias. As a patient, I will help you objectively understand your hip pathology and what all of your potential options are. I will help you decide on the surgery that will be the best and most definitive for you.
All patients who have undergone hip arthroscopy since July of 2009 have been enrolled and followed in a database. These results allow me to objectively follow my patients, evolve my labral reconstruction technique, and contribute academically in the field of hip arthroscopy on a global scale. As an educational and product development consultant for Smith and Nephew, Conmed Linvatec, and Biomet, I teach Orthopaedic surgeons across the country cutting edge techniques in hip arthroscopy and specifically how to perform a labral reconstruction. This is done in laboratory and lecture settings and by observation in my operating room. I am not affiliated with a residency or fellowship program. When you trust your hip to my care, I am the one who performs your surgery. I am passionate about my work and am committed to excellence and providing you with the best possible outcome. My team takes pride in our devotion to our patients and the care we provide for their whole person and not just their hip.
Dr. White has been an assistant team physician for the Denver Nuggets and in 2013 was named the official hip physician for their athletes.
Why should you have your hip arthroscopy performed by Dr. White?
Dr. White’s passion and devotion towards the hip joint began with his fellowship with Dr. Philippon. This strong foundation allowed him to focus on the hip joint from the beginning of his career. He started a database in July of 2009 for all of his hip arthroscopy surgeries. He credits his improvement in technique and the direction of his practice to the continued, objective evaluation of his outcomes and data. Specifically, this has validated his technique for allograft labral reconstruction and has allowed him to publish this procedure in the Orthopaedic literature. The fatal flaw with the native, torn labrum is that it is highly innervated with pain fibers and that it is typically injured for a long period of time in patients before surgery is performed. In this situation, attempting to repair this tissue can fail or result in a hip that is still painful. The labral reconstruction is simply different. The labral graft is incorporated by the body, restores the normal biomechanics of a native labrum, but should never have the ability to regain innervation. In other words, it can never feel pain. This is an ideal solution for a very challenging problem, especially in situations where the labrum is not suitable for repair or a previous attempt to repair the labrum has failed.
Experience matters. Simply put, your first surgery represents your best opportunity to be perfect, to return to activity, and to return to the life that allows you to be happy again. He performs on average 430 hip arthroscopies per year, 11 per week, and nearly all of them are labral reconstructions. Approximately 100 of these cases are revision hip arthroscopies with labral reconstruction. In August of 2017, he performed his 2,000th labral reconstruction. The labral reconstruction procedure has incredible potential, but is an extremely difficult and challenging surgery. Performed well it can yield perfect results, performed poorly it can create problems that are difficult to fix. Many equate 10,000 hours to the perfection of a craft. Dr. White spends over 2,500 hours per year in the operating room performing this surgery and has made it reproducible for even the most challenging hip. His passion, devotion, and commitment are felt when you sit in room with him. He takes the responsibility given to him with each patient seriously. He surrounds himself in both the Operating Room and his clinic with similar minded people devoted to a common goal. That goal is to make you perfect and whole again.
Click here to read the article.
Labral Reconstruction
March 21, 2019
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