Western Orthopaedics is opening a new office on the HCA HealthONE Rose campus starting March 31, 2025

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For Traveling Patients


For Patients Outside of Colorado

We frequently care for patients outside of the state of Colorado.  My team at Western Orthopaedics will help you through this process, and we will make great efforts to make sure that your surgery here is as convenient as possible. To begin this process with us, please follow the directions below. 


For Your Initial Evaluation

Please download the following forms:

Once completed, please return them to Western Orthopaedics with the following: 

      • X-rays- AP Pelvis and lateral view of the hip (preferably cross table lateral view) on a disk.  (*Please include the radiology report for these X-rays).
      • MRI of hip on a disk.
        (* Please send radiology reports for the MRI's)
      • If you have had a previous hip arthroscopy:
        -Color copies or original pictures from your surgery
        -Operative Report by the surgeon who performed this surgery 
        (usually available from the surgeon’s office or the hospital)
      • Please no hard copy images (xrays and MRI) – Please send all images on a disk. 
      • Enclose a check for $200.00 to pay for the review of your above information, as well as a phone consultation with Shawn Karns, PA-C.  This service is meant to spare you the expense of having to travel to Denver. Please see below further explanation of this fee.
      • A copy of the front and back of your insurance card.


Please send all of the above to:

                Dr. Brian J. White

                Western Orthopaedic  

                1830 Franklin Street, Suite #450

                Denver, CO  80218 


We offer this review of your information for $200.00.  The fee must be enclosed with your packet in order for us to initiate this review.  Please recognize that it will require some time to thoroughly review everything  that you send to us.  Once we receive all of the above information, we will contact you by telephone to better understand your hip and try to determine the most efficient and thorough way to care for you.  Please take some time to familiarize yourself with femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) and labral injuries to better facilitate our discussion on your plan of care.  Click here to view the presentation.  If after our discussion over the telephone, we both feel that hip arthroscopy in Denver is the best decision, there are two options.  

  • Consultation visit in Denver at Western Orthopaedics
  • Consultation visit with surgery scheduled for the next day

Together we will decide which is the most convenient and appropriate.


For Your Surgery:

We recommend the following hotels for their reduced rates and their proximity to the hospital, Western Orthopaedics, and Physical Therapy.  

I recommend staying in Denver after your surgery for 2-4 days to make it easier to travel home and to possibly have an appointment with our Physical Therapists in Denver to help guide your early phase of recovery.  I would recommend the following:

For patients from Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming:

-Make an appointment with Danielle Schoenthaler PT, DPT, OCS at Western Orthopaedics (303-253-7373) on the Wednesday of your clinic appointment at Western Orthopaedics.  Please make this appointment before your appointment with me.

-If it is logistically possible, please consider making an appointment with our Physical Therapists after your surgery before you travel home to get your PT started properly.

For patients outside of the Colorado region:

-Make an appointment with Brad Schoenthaler or Ron Harder at Sports Rehab Consulting (855-437-6444) on the Wednesday of your clinic appointment at Western Orthopaedics.  Please make this appointment before your appointment with me.

-If it is logistically possible, please consider making an appointment with them

again after your surgery to get your PT started properly.

***It is your responsibility to make your PT appointments before arriving in Denver, it will not be possible to schedule them at the last minute when you are in Denver***

Follow-up after your Surgery:

I typically recommend having your physical therapist or local physician remove your sutures at 2 weeks after your surgery.  I would like to see you in Denver at 2 months and 4 months after your surgery.  Whenever you come to Denver, please make sure to make an appointment with the Physical Therapist that you saw before your surgery. This will ensure that you are on track with your therapy and global recovery from your surgery.

If you are seeing Western Orthopaedics PT, it is possible for them to Facetime with your Physical Therapist at home during your appointment to show them where you are in your recovery and help guide your future recovery.  This is something you will have to arrange with your Physical Therapist at home if they would appreciate this collaboration.

If you are seeing Sports Rehab Consulting, please see them before your appointment with me.  They have a unique offering in that they can assist you while you are home or with your Physical Therapist at home with Zoom, Skype or Facetime.

If you are a complex, revision or Ganz patient, and cannot frequently travel to Denver, then I would recommend working with Sports Rehab Consulting, especially if your Physical Therapist at home does not have a lot of experience recovering and treating patients after this type of surgery.  I would recommend working with SRC at 3-4 week intervals and coordinating this to be simultaneous with your PT appointments at home so that they can guide your therapists through your recovery.