Western Orthopaedics is opening a new office on the HCA HealthONE Rose campus starting March 31, 2025

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Dr. White's patient featured in Colorado Runner Magazine 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Melissa is one of Dr. White's patients who underwent Labral Reconstruction.  Her story and recovery from her surgery was recently featured in Colorado Runner magazine.


Dr. White was invited again to be a faculty member at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium

Thursday, January 11, 2018 


Dr. White was invited again to be faculty at the Vail Hip Symposium on January 11-13, 2018.  It was an honor to again be a part of such a powerful International conference.  There he presented on “Allograft Labral Reconstruction of the Hip” and “How to Safely Place Anchors around the Entire Acetabulum.


Dr. White speaks at the OSET conference in Las Vegas

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dr. White was invited back to speak at the Orthopaedic Summit for Evolving Techniques (OSET) conference in Las Vegas on December 6-9, 2017.  This international conference provided a great opportunity for him to debate Labral Reconstruction versus Labral Debridement with Dr. Thomas Byrd and also present a talk on the safe placement of Anchors around the entire acetabular rim.


Dr. White performs his 3,000th Hip Arthroscopy

Friday, November 3, 2017

On November 3, 2017, Dr. White and his team hosted a Labral Reconstruction Course in Denver, Colorado for surgeons learning his technique. In addition to this, his first procedure of the day was the 3,000th hip arthroscopy that was entered into his database. This incredible milestone marks the culmination of many hours that he and his team have committed to patients to get them back to the life that they enjoy.
This is a huge number of hip arthroscopies for a single surgeon and has allowed for a significant contribution to the advancement of hip arthroscopy, perfection of the labral reconstruction technique, and more predictable excellent results for his patients. Dr. White is grateful for his team for sharing his commitment to this procedure and his patients.


Welcome Dr. E. Patrick Curry!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dr. E. Patrick Curry will join our amazing team of physicians on September 5th, 2017. He is an additional spine surgeon.

Dr. Patrick Curry is a Board certified Orthopaedic surgeon specializing in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal disorders including disk herniations, spinal stenosis, spinal cord compression and spinal deformity.  He performs a broad range of procedures ranging from microdiskectomy to complex revision surgery.  He enjoys helping patients regain quality of life lost to disability and pain as a result of spinal pathology.


Dr. White Proves Labral Reconstruction is Superior to Labral Repair

Monday, August 28, 2017

Dr. White’s paper comparing Labral Reconstruction to Labral Repair has been published in the Journal of Arthroscopy. In this study, 29 of his patients underwent hip arthroscopy on both sides. On one side, he performed a labral reconstruction, and on the other, he performed a labral repair. The results between the two sides were compared at a minimum of at least 2 years after the operations. This is a very powerful comparison, because instead of comparing 2 different people who had different procedures, this study looks at the same patient who can directly compare their 2 hips. The power of this study is that it eliminates all variables: It essentially directly compares his labral reconstruction to labral repair.

There were no failures in the reconstruction hips (0%). None. In contrast, 31% of the labral repairs failed. All of these patients decided to electively have a 3rd surgery to convert their failed labral repair to a reconstruction with Dr. White. Simply put, they wanted to get the result they had with their labral reconstruction. The results are clear and obvious: In his hands, labral reconstruction is a more reliable, better procedure for hip arthroscopy. He performs roughly 430 labral reconstructions per year. On August 2, 2017, he performed his 2,000th labral reconstruction. Dr. White is the right choice for your hip.

Click here to read the article




Help us welcome Western Orthopaedics Physical Therapy!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Dr. White is hosting a labral reconstruction course in Denver

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Dr. White is hosting another labral reconstruction course in Denver, Colorado. This is his 4th course in Denver and is hosted by Smith and Nephew. Established Orthopaedic surgeons from all over country are visiting to observe live surgery, discuss cases and technique, and work in a lab setting to learn his front to back labral reconstruction technique.

labral reconstruction


Dr. White program director for AANA course

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Dr. White has been named the program director for the "Modern Trends in Hip Arthroscopy" course for Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) on April 21-23, 2017. He will be giving 4 lectures and a focus demonstration on allograft labral reconstruction. Dr. White believes strongly that sharing his technique on labral reconstruction and tips for hip arthroscopy in general is important in improving the results of hip arthroscopy for all patients.


Dr. White invited again as faculty for the Vail Hip Symposium

Monday, January 30, 2017

January 12-13,2017.

Dr White was invited again to serve as faculty for the Vail Hip Symposium. He lectured on Allograft Labral Reconstruction and How to approach a revision hip Arthroscopy specifically with Labral reconstruction.

Videos of these talks will be available on the website in the next few months.

Click here to view full content for the symposium


Dr. White speaks at the AANA

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2016

Dr. White has been invited to speak on Allograft Labral Reconstruction of the hip and its advantages over labral repair at the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. 


Welcome Dr. Sean Baran!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dr. Sean Baran will join our amazing team of physicians on August 29, 2016.


Dr White publishes a study on revision hip arthroscopy

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dr. White publishes his study showing that Labral Reconstruction is the only reasonable solution for patients who have failed a previous hip arthroscopy.

Hip arthroscopy has evolved significantly in the last decade. Unfortunately, during this time a very large number of patients had a hip arthroscopy that did not work. In some situations, these patients are now in more pain than they were before their original hip arthroscopy. Dr. White has been performing revision arthroscopic procedures since 2009 for this population of patients who are unfortunately in a very difficult position.

This study looks at 2 approaches to revision hip arhroscopy: one being to re-repair the labrum, which is what most surgeons offer, and the other to reconstruct the labrum with allograft. In this study of over 100 patients with minimum of 2 year follow-up, he showed a 4.1 times higher failure rate with re-repairing the labrum and excellent results in those who underwent labral reconstruction with allograft. He thoroughly believes and this paper validates that labral reconstruction is the only reasonable solution for patients who have failed a previous hip arthroscopy.

Click here to read the publication


Dr. White invited to speak on Labral Reconstruction

Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15-17, 2016  

Dr. White has been invited to be a faculty member again at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy meeting in San Francisco, California.  He has been invited to speak twice on Labral Reconstruction of the Hip.


Dr. White invited to lecture in Chicago at the AANA

Friday, July 15, 2016

July 15-17, 2016. Dr. White was invited by Dr. Thomas Byrd to assist as a faculty member at his course: Orthopaedic Boot Camp Training: Advanced Techniques for Arthroscopic and Endoscopic Hip Disorders for the Arthroscopic Association of North America (AANA). This was held in Chicago this weekend. Dr. White was invited to lecture on and instruct Orthopaedic Surgeons on the benefits of and how to perform arthroscopic labral reconstruction of the hip.


Dr. White publishes an article on missed labral tears after femur fractures

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dr White has treated several patients over the years for this complex problem. He believes that sometimes when a femur is broken, the hip can also sublux or subtly fall out of place and then go back into the joint. This can tear the labrum and this initial injury can cause a significant amount of pain and the diagnosis can be delayed. His hope is that this publication can help more patients get the care they need to get back to all that they enjoy.

Click here to read the feature article.  


Western Orthopaedics is growing!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Congratulations Western Orthopaedics on your growth!

We are currently under construction to expand our office space. Thank you for your patience during our transition. Stay tuned for pictures of our additional space.


Dr. White's 1500th Labral Reconstruction 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dr. White performs his 1500th labral reconstruction.


Dr. White is hosting a labral reconstruction course in Denver

Monday, May 9, 2016

Dr. White is hosting another labral reconstruction course in Denver, Colorado. This is his 3rd course in Denver and is hosted by Smith and Nephew. Established Orthopaedic surgeons from all over country are visiting to observe live surgery, discuss cases and technique, and work in a lab setting to learn his front to back labral reconstruction technique.



Dr. White's annual Hip Physical Therapy talk

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dr White is doing his annual Physical Therapy talk this year on Thursday, February 11th at Porter Hospital in the Grand Mesa conference room. This year will be different. From roughly 4-7 pm he will broadcast a live arthroscopic Labral reconstruction from the operating room upstairs. This is a great opportunity to better understand this process. He will then follow this with a discussion from 7-8 pm to discuss progress, things learned over the past year, and future directions. Food will be provided. Space is limited, please RSVP with Olivia at 303-321-1333.

Click here for more specific information.


Dr. White invited to speak at Vail Hip Symposium 2016

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 14-15, 2016

Dr. White was invited again this year to be a part of the Vail Hip Symposium. This is one of the most relevant hip arthroscopy meetings and it is an honor to be a part of. Dr. White was invited to speak again on 1. Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction of the Hip and 2. Labral Reconstruction as a solution for Revision hip arthroscopy. In addition to these lectures, he also worked in the cadaver lab teaching his technique to other surgeons.

Click here to read more.

Click below to watch his presentations:
- New Techniques for Labral Reconstruction


Labral reconstruction paper published - Dr. White

Monday, January 25, 2016

Dr. White's Labral Reconstruction Paper Published.

Dr. White's 2 year results with his labral reconstruction technique and the use of allograft has been published in The Journal of Arthroscopy. This paper vallidates the use of allograft for labral reconstruction and looks at 120 patients and their 2 year results. It represents the largest cohort of labral reconstructions in the literature to date, documents the tremendous potential of this procedure and its excellent results. It contributes greatly to the advancement of the labral reconstruction technique and to the field of hip arthroscopy. Dr. White is grateful to all who contributed so much to this publication: his staff in the office, operating room and his research team.

Click here to read publication.


Dr. White was invited to be a faculty member at the OSET Summit

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dr White has been invited to speak on Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction at the Orthopaedic Summit for Evolving Techniques in Las Vegas on December 5, 2015.


Dr. White gives 4 presentations at ISHA meeting in England

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dr. White has been invited to give 4 presentations on Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction at the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy in Cambridege, England. This is an incredible honor that will allow for international collaboration and discussion.


Dr. White talks about allografts in hip labral reconstruction

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Dr. White specializes in hip surgery and has pioneered a creative use for fascia allografts, (donor tissue), in arthroscopic hip labral reconstruction procedures.


Dr. White performs his 2000th hip arthroscopy

Sunday, June 21, 2015

This database he started in July of 2009 has a wealth of information that guides him objectively with every surgery and discussion with patients. This allows him to be at the forefront of hip arthroscopy, continue to improve the surgery, and contribute academically. This has resulted in 3 publications in 2015 alone and is helping surgeons evolve their understanding of these complex hip problems.


Dr. White hosted arthroscopic labral reconstruction course

Friday, May 1, 2015

May 8-9, 2015

Dr. White hosted an arthroscopic labral reconstruction course here in Denver for established Orthopaedic surgeons. This was a great opportunity to interact with surgeons from throughout the country to accelerate their learning curve with this challenging procedure so that it will be a powerful and safe addition to their practice.


Dr. White's patient interviewed by Vibrant magazine

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

When injury robs your passion and your profession, a cure is
nothing short of a miracle.

Dr. White's patient Meredith Strathmeyer talks about her hip surgery. Click here to read the full article.


Dance Injury Symposium

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dr. White will be speaking about Hip Labral Pathology.
Location: Denver School of the Arts
Date: January 31, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

The Rocky Mountain Dance Injury Prevention Symposium (RMDIPS) is a unique and incredible opportunity for Dance Students, Teachers, and Professionals to learn how to dance at an optimal level for a longer career.

Dr. White will be speaking about Understanding Hip Labral Injuries.

Click here for more information


Dr. White performs his 1,000th Labral Reconstruction

Today we performed our 1,000th arthroscopic labral reconstruction. This surgery represents years of work and dedication to arthroscopy of the hip. It has dramatically improved my outcomes with hip arthroscopy and my ability to successfully return patients with very complex hip problems to their activity. I am very grateful to those pictured here and to all who have worked very long hours in my operating room over the years. None of this would have been possible without my team.

Dr. White


Dr. White joined the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy

Friday, January 9, 2015

Dr. White joined the International Society of Hip Arthroscopy. This international society's membership includes world leaders in hip arthroscopy. This will allow Dr. White to teach, collaborate with and continue to learn from surgeons around the world.



2015 Vail Hip Symposium

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dr. White has been invited again this year to speak on arthroscopic labral reconstruction at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium on 01/15/2015 to 01/17/2015. Click here for more information.

Watch the video of his talk here


Dr. White leads a course at NYU

Monday, October 27, 2014

In November 2014 Dr. White will travel to NYU and the Hospital for Joint Disease in New York City where he did his orthopedic training. This is a great honor for Dr. White as he will be leading a course and teaching his technique on hip arthroscopy and labral reconstruction.


Dr. White invited to speak at the APTA fall symposium

Monday, October 13, 2014

On November 8th 2014 Dr. White will be speaking on Hip Arthroscopy to the APTA members at their fall symposium.  The event will take place in Parker Colorado at the PACE center.


While You Recover 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I have learned of a new company that may be helpful to my patients. Sarah Strong is a former patient of mine, who has had surgery on both of her hips.

With all she had done, her recovery was challenging on several levels. Through her experience, she developed a passion to apply what she learned from this and created While you Recover. This is a company which is designed to help with all of life’s extras to allow a patient to focus on themselves in the early phases of recovery. Her flexible services range from preparing your home for surgery, assistance with child care and even food preparation and shopping.

I am very excited about this for any of my patients that feel a bit overwhelmed by the recovery process or are traveling to Denver for their surgery and think they could use some help. Please feel free to contact Sarah or visit her website (www.whileyourecover.com) to learn more about the services that are available.

Dr. Brian White


Dr. White has been invited to lead an international seminar

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

On September 14-16, 2014 Dr. White has been invited to lead an international seminar and lab on Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction of the Hip. This meeting will take place in London England.

What an honor Dr. White! We can't wait to hear about your experience in London.


Dr. Ben Sears will join our team 10/01/2014

Monday, July 21, 2014


Clinical Orthopaedic Society

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dr. Traina will be moderating as well as presenting Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries in the NBA at the 102nd annual Clinical Orthopaedic Society meeting September 11 - 13, 2014.

Dr. White has been invited to present on Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction of the Hip at the 102nd annual meeting for the Clinical Orthopaedic Society.

The meeting will be held at the Broadmore in Colorado Springs, CO September 11-13, 2014.


Dr. White's Hip Arthroscopy Database enrolls its 1500th Patient

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 2014: Dr. White’s Hip Arthroscopy Database enrolls its 1,500th Patient.

During my fellowship in Vail, we had a visiting speaker who told us that if we had a procedure that we did a lot of, we owed it to our community and to ourselves to collect data on it. Since July of 2009, I have been maintaining a prospective database on my patients who had an arthroscopic procedure on their hip. This has allowed me to objectively evaluate my outcomes and make significant improvements with this procedure. Overall, it is a wealth of information that will enable us to publish articles that can share the knowledge that we have gained on a global level. I am grateful to all my patients who have contributed to this and also very thankful to everyone who has helped maintain this database along the way.


Vail Hip Symposium

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dr. White has been invited again this year to speak on arthroscopic labral reconstruction at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium on 03/27/2014 to 03/29/2014. Click here for more information.


Dr. White will be moving his surgeries to Porter Hospital on April 14, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

On April 14, 2014, I am moving all of my surgeries to Porter Adventist Hospital.  I am confident that the move to Porter will be very positive.  The facility and nursing care meets my very high standard for  my patients.  Porter is a Magnet facility which represents a coveted status that recognizes excellence in nursing care. Only a select few hospitals in Colorado have this designation.

You have entrusted your care to me, and I ensure you that Porter will meet our joint expectations.


Dance Injury Symposium

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dr. White will be speaking about Hip Labral Pathology.
Location: Denver School of the Arts
Date: February 15, 2014
Time: 8:00 PM – 4:30 PM

The Rocky Mountain Dance Injury Prevention Symposium (RMDIPS) is a unique and incredible opportunity for Dance Students, Teachers, and Professionals to learn how to dance at an optimal level for a longer career.

Dr. White will be speaking about Understanding Hip Labral Injuries.

Click Here for More Information.


Dr. White's Seminar on Hip Arthroscopy

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dr. White gave his annual Physical Therapy talk focusing on Labral Reconstruction at PSL Hospital on 11/06/13. Over 100 Physical Therapists attended.


Dr. White's patient interviewed by the Denver Post

Friday, October 25, 2013

Meredith underwent arthroscopic labral reconstruction one year ago for her left hip.  Some of the details of the surgery in the article are a little off, but it is a very nice story and a great result for a very nice, deserving woman!

To read Meredith's story click here.


Dr. White was invited to speak on Pelvic Pain

Thursday, May 16, 2013




Dr. White's Hip Arthroscopy Database enrolls its 1,000th Patient.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013: Dr. White’s Hip Arthroscopy Database enrolls its 1,000th Patient.

During my fellowship in Vail, we had a visiting speaker who told us that if we had a procedure that we did a lot of, we owed it to our community and to ourselves to collect data on it. Since July of 2009, I have been maintaining a prospective database on my patients who had an arthroscopic procedure on their hip. This has allowed me to objectively evaluate my outcomes and make significant improvements with this procedure. Overall, it is a wealth of information that will enable us to publish articles that can share the knowledge that we have gained on a global level. I am grateful to Desirae, my 1,000th patient, and to all patients who have contributed to this. I am very thankful to everyone who has helped maintain this database along the way.


Dr. White was invited to be a faculty member at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dr. White has been invited to be a faculty member at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium on 1/17/13 to 1/19/13. He will be speaking on Arthroscopic Labral Reconstruction with Allograft as well as Setup for Hip Arthroscopy. Click here for more information.



Dr. White's Seminar on Hip Arthroscopy

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dr. White gave his annual Physical Therapy talk focusing on Labral Reconstruction at PSL Hospital on 11/28/12.


Dr. White invited to speak at the Dance Injury Symposium

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Location: Denver School of the Arts
Date: April 21, 2012
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM

The Rocky Mountain Dance Injury Prevention Symposium (RMDIPS) is a unique and incredible opportunity for Dance Students, Teachers, and Professionals to learn how to dance at an optimal level for a longer career.

Dr. White will be speaking about Understanding Hip Labral Injuries.

Click Here for More Information.


Dr. White was invited to be a faculty member at the Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Click here to view the Symposium Itenerary.


Dr. White Speaks at Bi-Annual Hip Arthroscopy Meeting for Physical therapists/November 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bi-Annual Hip Arthroscopy Meeting for Physical Therapists

Presented by,
Brian J. White, MD

This will be an update on hip arthoscopy for FAI & labral tears. I am hoping that this will also allow for an open discussion on the problems encountered with rehabilitation.

Wednesday November 30, 2011 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Colorado Room North / Presbyterian St Lukes Hospital

*Please extend an invitation to your colleagues.

Please RSVP by November 21, 2011 to Danielle at 303-321-1333 or Daniellev@western-ortho.com

Sponsored by, Hanger Orthopaedics
D.B.A. Orthopaedic Rehab Products


Dr. White to speak at Hip Conference on June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sponsored by Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center.
Dr. White will be speaking on Evaluation and Management of Hip Disorders.




Bi-Annual Hip Arthroscopy Meeting for P.T.'s / May 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bi-Annual Hip Arthroscopy Meeting for Physical Therapists
Presented by Brian J. White, MD.
Sponsored by, Hanger Orthopaedics D.B.A. Orthopaedic Rehab Products
This will be an update on hip arthroscopy for FAI and Labral tears. I am hoping that this will also allow for an open discussion on the problems encountered with rehabilitation.
Wednesday May 18, 2011 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Colorado Room North
Presbyterian St. Lukes Hospital
Please extend an invitation to your colleagues.


Dr. White Invited to be Faculty Member for Hip Arthroscopy Courses

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dr White has been invited to be a faculty member for the following Hip Arthroscopy Coarses so far for 2011. These are designed for Orthopaedic Surgeons to teach them how to safely perform this procedure.
- Dr. Marc Philippon's coarse in Vail, Colorado March 2011
- San Francisco April 2011.
- Dr. Thomas Byrd's Coarse in Nashville, Tennessee May 2011


Dr. White selected for Hip Preservation Team

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dr. White was just elected to be the Director for the Hip Preservation Team for the Denver Clinic for Extremities at Risk at Presbyterian St Lukes. This program consists of Orthopaedic Surgeons whose experience ranges from Pediatrics, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy to Joint Replacement and deformity correction. The overall mission of this broad team is combine experience to provide complete joint preservation options to hips of every age.


Drs. Hatzidakis and White speak at the Colorado Orthopaedic Society meeting

Friday, September 3, 2010

Clinical Orthopaedic Society's 98th Annual Meeting
Presents Dr. Hatzidakis and Dr. White

Click here for the course information presented.


Dr. White Presents Acetabular Labral Impairments / April 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

P.T. management of Acetabular Labral Impairments.

The Colorado Chapter of American Physical Therapy Association Presents:
"Current Concepts in Physical Therapy Management of Acetabular Labral Impairments: Conservative & Post-Operative Considerations" by Brian J. White, MD and Cameron MacDonald, PT, DPT.


We have moved!

September, 21, 2009

*Arvada location: Shoulder & Elbow only

Our Locations