Western Orthopaedics is opening a new office on the HCA HealthONE Rose campus starting March 31, 2025

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Patient Testimonials


Seth's Story

Surgical Information:

Staged bilateral hip arthroscopy with Femoral Osteoplasty, Acetabular rim trimming and Labral Repair. 

Patient Testimonial:

..."My goal is to get back into shape and be ready to play AAA travel hockey one more season next year. Then, hopefully, I will get picked up by a Junior team somewhere and eventually work my way up to play D1 hockey and possibly professional. I know these are big goals, but these surgeries have made it possible for my body to keep up with my heart as I pursue my dreams."...

Click here to read more

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Ray's Story 

Surgical Information:

Hip Arthroscopy with Femoral/Acetabular Osteoplasty, Labral Repair with 3 anchors and microfracture of acetabulum.

Patient Testimonial: 

"Skiing…running…biking…I wasn’t sure I’d be doing any of these things that I love again. The pain in my hip (and extending to my lower back at times) had become so severe that I had given up on all of these activities, and was limited primarily to walking for exercise. I was looking for a real solution, and was very fortunate to meet Dr. White. He was introduced and highly recommended to me by a physician friend that had worked with him previously. Dr. White and I worked together through six months of physical therapy and other treatments, looking for solutions prior to surgery. He carefully explained his ideas, opinions and diagnosis, we looked at MRI and x-ray film together, and he helped me to become an informed patient and a real participant in the decision-making process. We weren’t able to resolve the problem without surgery, but I felt we had tried every possible option, and I was fully informed and in agreement when he said it was time to operate. 

The surgery itself went very well. Dr. White is clearly a very skilled and knowledgeable surgeon, and my results have been excellent. We stayed in close touch throughout the recovery and physical therapy process, and he carefully eased me back into a broader range of activities as my recovery progressed. Today, I am very pleased to say, that I ski and bike regularly, without any pain or discomfort, and occasionally sneak in a run with my two dogs. I am 100% pleased with the work that Dr. White did to repair my hip. More importantly, I am so appreciative of the thoughtful, collaborative and informative approach that he took with me throughout the process…treating me as a person, and not just a patient. I am a big fan of Dr. White’s and strongly recommend him to anyone in a similar situation."

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Margaret's Story

Surgical Information:

Hip Arthroscopy with Femoral/Acetabular Osteoplasty, Labral Repair with 3 anchors.

Patient Testimonial:

"Dr. White performed my hip surgery in January, and by August I was able to run in a 200 mile relay race to Steamboat Springs! I was virtually pain-free the day after surgery, and although the entire healing process was challenging, I was able to get back to doing the things I loved in a relatively short time.

Not only am I incredibly grateful to Dr. White for his skill, and for giving me back my ability to run, but I was so impressed with his friendliness and compassion. I felt as though he truly cared about my situation, and he was open and willing to address my questions or concerns."

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Grace's Story

03/2016 received an email update from Grace:

"Hi Dr. White, I just noticed on your web page my story is still up. I wanted to let you know my hip is doing great and I am now a division I diver at Texas Christian University and I am studying neuroscience on the pre med track."

Surgical Information: 

Hip arthroscopy with 2 anchor labral repair.

Patient Testimonial:

” …After tears, patience, hard work and love I finally recovered from my injury and I am brand new thanks to Dr. White, my physical therapist, and my friends and family. That is my experience of my surgery I will never forget. I hope if you get the same surgery I did you will be back to normal and be doing what you love again, or at least find something new that you'll love just the same.
Yours truly, Grace”. To read full testimony click here.

What her mother says:

“I can still remember the day my daughter Grace came home from gymnastics practice telling me she hurt her hip doing a round off dismount on the beam. She was a level 7 gymnast practicing 20 hours a week. Over the years she had broken her hand, her foot, and had severs and patellar tendinitis. My first thought was that with a little ice and rest she would be fine. Two weeks later she was once again back in physical therapy for what we thought was a muscle strain. I had an excellent physical therapist who referred me on to Dr. White for further evaluation. I am still so thankful for her, now that I understand how people can go for years in pain, not being able to do what they love to do, because they are unable to get an accurate diagnosis and the necessary surgery.” To read more click here.




Lois's Story

Surgical Information: 

Hip Arthroscopy with debridement of torn ligamentum teres, labral debridement and fermoral osteoplasty.

Patient Testimonial:

"I was a 58 year old active woman when I injured my right hip while doing an 11 mile hike in the mountains of Colorado. I was referred to Dr. Brian White at Western Orthopedics in Denver by my Orthopedic Surgeon in Colorado Springs. I must admit that I was concerned about having surgery on my hip and whether I could return to my active lifestyle post surgery. After meeting and discussing my options with Dr. White, I felt his confidence and assuredness that I would feel better and return to full range of motion and activity. He didn’t disappoint me. The post-op treatment, which is his standard protocol, was so helpful in reducing inflammation and pain and increasing healing. I would recommend following that specifically. He also had me start physical therapy within the first week after surgery. I continued therapy for 6 weeks and felt this was necessary for full range of motion and return to all the activities I had enjoyed pre-surgery. Dr. White is an extremely accomplished and gentle surgeon. I would recommend him to anyone considering arthroscopic hip surgery."


Katie's Story

Surgical Information: 

Hip arthroscopy with acetabular rim trimming, femoral osteoplasty and 2 anchor acetabular labral repair.

Patient Testimonial:

"Being active in sports was a huge part of my childhood and I became highly involved in competitive softball and a dance company. By the age of 14, I began to experience significant pain in my hip. After visiting several physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons, I was given a diagnosis of FAI. However, in 2004, the surgery to repair FAI was extremely invasive and would have prevented me from participating in activities that were very important to me. I resigned myself to living with the pain of FAI because I did not want my life to be interrupted by an invasive surgery. In the summer of 2009, Dr. White was able to correct my FAI with a much less invasive, and certainly less painful, surgery. Since then, my life has been wonderful. I am virtually pain-free and I continue to enjoy dancing on a daily basis and taking pleasure in Colorado’s beautiful outdoors. From water-skiing to hiking to sitting through college lectures, I am able to live my life in a way that would not have been possible had I not had surgery with Dr. White."

katie surgery


Jerry's Story

Surgical Procedure: 

1 year out from extensive microfracture, femoral osteoplasty...

Patient Testimonial:

"Hi Dr. White,

Waited until the end of July for my first big climb and the hip and body felt great. Thought you'd like these photos and the text below to my hip homies. Since you're my main homie on the hip. Hope you're having a great summer. Jerry"

Right: 14+ miles up Mt. Evans (and back), Jerry (far left) is still smiling and feeling pretty great!  Sort of surprised himself how well he did and how the hip handled it all.    1hr 50 minutes.


Michelle's Story

Surgical Information: 

Hip Arthroscopy with Femoral/Acetabular Osteoplasty, Labral Repair with 3 anchors.

Patient Testimonial:

"My pain started in 2001 when I began playing soccer in college. I had pain throughout the four years of playing soccer and subsequent pain with running, sitting and driving.

I began physical therapy school in 2005 and was lucky enough to learn about FAI and labral tears in PT school so I was fortunate in finding a diagnosis for my pain quicker than most people with this injury. Even though I am a physical therapist, I did not know exactly what to expect with surgery but it was more involved than I had anticipated. The two weeks following my surgery were a little more painful than I was expecting and the 3 arthroscopic incisions were bigger than I was expecting, but still better than having a large scar from an open surgery. I started feeling really good between weeks 4 and 6 but then at week 8 I got a little frustrated because I started having some ups and downs and pain that was not dependent upon activity. That pain got better and by week 12 (3 months) I was using an elliptical and exercising actually made my hip feel the best. I started to jog at 4 months, played 9 holes of golf at 5 months and got back into soccer at 6 months. Now that I am a year out of surgery I feel 100% improved.

I am back to running, playing soccer, doing roller derby, golfing, taking cross-fit classes, skiing and snowboarding. I still have occasional pain with sitting but for the most part I am pain-free. I never imagined a year ago I would be back to playing soccer full strength and doing very intense and aggressive workouts like cross-fit. I now take extreme pleasure and pride in rehabilitating other people who are going through this surgery and it makes my patient’s feel better than I know
exactly what they are going through."



Belinda's Story

"I have had hip "clicking" and popping since I was 19 years old. After a car accident, giving birth to 3 children, and 16 years of wear and tear, the pain was getting unbearable. I went through my insurance plan and got matched up with an orthopedic surgeon. He was very vague on my options and I basically felt like I just had to live with it. Unless I wanted surgery. Or I could get cortisone injections. Yes, let's do that, and if doesn't help maybe we could try surgery. I tried the cortisone injection. I cried because of how GREAT my hip felt when I left. Well, it felt better because of the local anesthetic. Soon it was hurting again. Then I got a flier in the mail about a presentation on hip pain being given in my community. The doctor that spoke there talked about an amazing procedure called hip arthroscopy in which I was a perfect candidate. There was so much information at this seminar! I was told about the common symptoms, the causes (mostly anatomical), and the surgery that would possibly help. I went back to my orthopedic surgeon and told him what I had learned. He said, (paraphrasing), "Yeah ~ that's the surgery I do". Oh, okay. "Well, I want it," I told him. And then...we scheduled it. Outpatient surgery no big deal, Femoral Acetabular Impingement, arthroplasty. You'll need to use crutches with partial weight bearing for a few weeks. Try not to pivot the joint when you're laying down. Okay. Got the surgery tried to be careful. When I was being wheeled from surgery to recovery I thought, "I can already tell my hip is going to be better!" Again, I could feel it was not rubbing! And then... my recovery. I didn't feel as great once I got home. (Okay, the surgery, I get it). I couldn't tell if it was better or not. After several weeks, I still couldn't tell. I got extremely high anxiety whenever I'd go in for follow up appointments. I felt like the surgeon did what he could. And according to the x-rays, he executed perfectly. So, they didn't know what was the problem. I felt like they thought it was all in my head. Finally, my husband went with me to my appointment. He urged the doctor to give us a referral to Dr. Brian White. At my first appointment, I learned more than I ever had about FAI. And I found out that it was pretty common for these surgeries to wreak more havoc on the joint than fix it. I learned about Dr. White's history and highly specialized technique. After x-rays and exams, we decided a labral reconstruction would be in my future. We got it scheduled and the amount of pre-op and post-op instruction I got was extremely comforting. This surgery is a BIG DEAL! Overnight in the hospital, highly detailed and regimented recovery and physical therapy procedures. It was a completely different experience. And I was in luck: my in-network physical therapist actually followed Dr. White's protocol! On the day of surgery, Dr. White found that the tissue was too damaged to try a labral reconstruction. So he did a labral debridement instead. I know I will eventually need a hip replacement, but I am 8 months post op and feeling amazing! It could last for 2 years or 20 years! In June, I went on a family trip to Boston and walked EVERYWHERE while we were there. No complaints, no slowness... the humidity was not fun, but my hip did great. I am so thankful for Dr. White. I can't say enough about how thorough he is, what an amazing surgeon he is, and how wonderful his staff are. Thanks so much for my new lease on life!

Warmest Regards,



Sonya's Story

"Dr. White came highly recommended to me as a good hip surgeon and the staff at Western Orthopaedics were very professional. I had quality x-rays taken and Dr. White was able to immediately diagnose my problem. At the time of my appointment, my pain and inflammation had subsided greatly since the initial injury. When I asked Dr. White if "I should have surgery," I appreciated the fact that he told me that I "needed to make that decision based upon my own assessment of my pain level and whether the injury was diminishing my quality of life." He said I could try physical therapy for a while and see if it helped. I liked his conservative approach.

I'm no longer doing martial arts, but I'm having a great time running, mountain biking, playing tennis, and swimming. I know that I will probably have to get this problem corrected in the future, but being in my early 40's I didn't want to have an invasive procedure. I think a lot of other surgeons might have pushed me toward surgery."


Jeff's Story

"Dr. White was amazing! He explained everything to us before surgery. That morning, he was uplifting and explained everything again. He answered any questions. His bedside manner went beyond expectations. We were his patients, not just another case on his busy schedule. I can not say enough great things about him nor thank him enough for the life changing surgery he did for my son or the way he treated us. I would highly recommend him to anyone in need and have let my hometown, Buffalo, Wyoming, know just how amazing he is. Thank you so much!"

--Jeff P.


Ellen's Story

"Western Orthopaedics was recommended to me from a friend who had a great experience with Dr. Ted Parks. I had dislocated my left hip in a hot yoga class in 2012 and suspected something was really wrong, but due to just moving to Colorado, I hadn't had a chance to get it checked out. The pain grew exponentially and I was unable to do yoga or run, and eventually had problems walking, sitting (especially in a car), and even sleeping. I saw Dr. White in May 2013, went for an MRI and was diagnosed with FAI (impingement) and a torn labrum. I need to mention that the office staff from reception to radiology/X-ray to surgical coordination was exceptional in performing their duties. I appreciate the respect for my time, as I was always seen within minutes of my appointment time and X-rays were done and read without delay. After lengthy discussion of my injury and potential courses of action to take, I eventually decided on a surgical option. Everything from surgical coordination, insurance coordination, post-surgical rehab items (CPM machine, Game Ready Ice Machine) were explained to me and were well coordinated with the staff at Western Orthopaedics and the outside firms. Western Orthopaedics made it easy for me as the patient -- I didn't have to project manage the minutiae. Dr. White is a miracle worker. He performed arthroscopy to shave down the femur and acetabulum to remove the impingement; I also had shredded labrum removed and reconstructed with a cadaver graft. While my insurance considered the graft reconstruction through arthroscopy to be "experimental" and did not pay for this portion, the doctor's office worked with me on a payment plan. My follow up appointments were thorough and I had access to the doctor and his PA as needed. My physical therapist followed the rehab protocol to the letter and had contact with Dr. White/his PA and found them to be accessible when she had questions. I have been very satisfied with the follow up care, rather than a "cut them and leave them" approach. I feel that Dr. White and Shawn Karns had a genuine interest in my continued rehabilitation and recovery. I was discharged from care at my 6 month visit and am beyond happy to say that I'm doing amazingly well at 7.5 months post op. I am back to nearly all of my previous activities (swimming, yoga, walking, cycling, hiking) at nearly the same intensity as pre-injury, without pain. Most days it's easy to forget that I had hip reconstruction surgery. I couldn't be happier with my decision to see Dr. White at Western Orthopaedics and the decision to surgically repair my condition." --Ellen H.


Toni's Story 

"I am a young, 50 year old woman who just spent the last three years trying to get a problem with my right knee fixed. After three unsuccessful attempts, I had to have my right knee replaced. During that time frame, I tried to do some rehab on my knee by swimming that just left me in too much pain for days following. I just figured that my back and hip pain were just a side effect of my knee problems. I had always had lower back pain. After my knee was replaced, I still had hip pain. I had an MRI and feared that I had AVN in my hip as I did in my knee. But it was hip impingement due to my femoral head not being round at the top. So many of my symstoms now made sense. I am scheduled to have surgery on 7/21 and we will see if I can bounce back as well as I did with my knee replacement." --Toni S.


Jackie's Story 

"Everyone single doctor and nurse in contact with me really cared about how I felt and if I needed anything. Post surgery nurses and Carrie Ann (N.P.) kept working with me with different meds until I had complete pain control. It was a great experience. My pain is less four days post surgery than pre-surgery. Dr. White is an exceptional man and doctor. His passion is surgery and following it through to make any future changes in surgical technique. He provides lots of videos on this website so you are totally educated before your procedure. He took pictures of my hip during my procedure & went over them with me and even called my significant other that couldn't be there afterward to report on it." --Jackie L.

*Arvada location: Shoulder & Elbow only

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